It’s hard to comprehend but most individuals have gone over ten years without getting a hearing test. Harper is one of them. She reports to her doctor for her annual medical test and gets her teeth cleaned every six months. She even changes her timing belt every 6000 miles. But she always forgets to schedule […]
While everybody has encountered a runny nose, we don’t usually mention other types of cold symptoms because they’re less frequent. One kind of cold you don’t often hear about is the one that moves into one or both ears. This form of cold can be more risky than a common cold and shouldn’t ever be […]
You’ve been putting off calling us to see if you need hearing aids, but you’ve finally decided it’s time. You have been resisting this like so many others. But the stress of going through life without being able to hear has finally become too much. So it’s a little discouraging when you’re at the hearing […]
Lately you’ve noticed that you can’t hear out of one ear. Is that bad? (Spoiler: It’s likely.) What could be the cause? And when should you see a hearing professional? […]