Hearing Health Blog

What is the Expected Lifespan of a Contemporary Hearing Aid?

What is the Expected Lifespan of a Contemporary Hearing Aid?

“Normal” Hearing, Yet Struggling to Follow Conversations

“Normal” Hearing, Yet Struggling to Follow Conversations

Prevalent Medications That Cause Hearing Loss

Prevalent Medications That Cause Hearing Loss

Muffled Hearing: Causes and Remedies

Muffled Hearing: Causes and Remedies

Best Tips for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

Best Tips for Using the Phone with Hearing Aids

As We Age, Does Our Hearing Loss Get Worse?

As We Age, Does Our Hearing Loss Get Worse?

Can Hearing Loss be Impacted by Insomnia?

Can Hearing Loss be Impacted by Insomnia?

How Diabetes Raises Your Risk of Hearing Loss

How Diabetes Raises Your Risk of Hearing Loss

How Diabetes Raises Your Risk of Hearing Loss

How Diabetes Raises Your Risk of Hearing Loss