Individuals are more self-dependent than ever. Want to fix up your car? Just watch that YouTube video. Want to unclog your sink? YouTube video. Attempting to learn cursive writing? YouTube… look, you get the idea. You can find any information you might want to learn and self-learning has never been more accessible. So the real […]
It’s an amazing and wonderful experience, having a baby. But it can also be kind of… unpleasant, at least at times, and at least in terms of how it can make you feel. There are all sorts of weird side effects, including morning sickness, health hazards, and changes to your body. None of this takes […]
Kids have a tendency to fall pretty much every day. Taking a tumble on your bicycle? That’s normal. Getting tripped up while sprinting across the yard. Also fairly typical. It isn’t really a worry because, well, kids are kind of limber. They don’t usually stay down for long. As you get older though, that becomes […]
The only one thing that you requested was for the trash to be taken out. A little while later you realize your partner failed to do it. When you ask why it didn’t get done, your partner responds “I never heard you ask me”. Funny how that works, how your partner failed to hear the […]
In the movies, invisibility is a powerful tool. The characters can frequently do the impossible if they have the power of invisibility, whether it’s a starship with cloaking ability or a wizard with an invisibility cloak. Unfortunately, invisible health disorders are no less potent…and they’re a lot less enjoyable. As an illustration, tinnitus is an […]
Let’s face it, there’s no escape from aging, and with it usually comes hearing loss. You can take some steps to look younger but you’re still aging. But you may not know that a number of treatable health conditions have also been associated with hearing loss. Here’s a look at a few examples, #2 may […]
You may think of your favorite sci-fi movie when someone mentions artificial intelligence (AI). But today, AI is a reality that we all better get used to. When it comes to hearing aids, this is especially true. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all hearing aids that just raise the volume of sounds around you. Modern, […]
You aren’t quite certain why, but you’ve been feeling cranky lately. Well, it was irritating earlier today when you felt left out of the meeting at the office. Your daughter got up and abruptly left the house after becoming annoyed when you kept asking her to turn the TV volume up. Why would she do […]
Subtle changes in your hearing can be difficult to detect because of how gradually hearing loss usually advances. Unlike children, who get regular hearing tests in school, adults hardly ever even think of scheduling an appointment. So why should your hearing be any less important than your eyesight? Here are 6 reasons to get your […]
Have you ever forgotten your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the laundry or maybe lost them altogether? All of a sudden, your morning jog is a million times more boring. Your commute or train ride is dreary and dull. And your virtual meetings are suffering from poor sound quality. Often, […]