We typically think of hearing loss as something that develops slowly. It can be easy to miss the symptoms because of this. (After all, you’re simply turning up the volume on your TV now and then, it’s nothing to be concerned about, right?) That’s normally the case, yes, but not always. Sometimes, hearing loss can […]
The majority of individuals who use hearing aids are happy with their experience: 91% of hearing aid users are happy with the hearing aid experience when speaking one-on-one, based on a recent survey. When analyzing results with particular activities, 75% were satisfied in a restaurant or on the phone, 78% were satisfied while in the […]
As your body gets older, it’s not hard to detect the changes. You get wrinkles. You begin to lose your hair or it turns grey. Your joints begin to get stiff. Some sagging of the skin begins to take place in certain places. Maybe your eyesight and your hearing both start to fade a little. […]
It might seem, initially, like measuring hearing loss would be simple. You can most likely hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. Most letters may sound clear at any volume but others, such as “s” and “b” may get lost. It will become more obvious why you notice inconsistencies with your hearing […]
For just a moment, imagine that you’re working as a salesperson. Now imagine that you have a call scheduled today with a really important client. Your company is being looked at for a job and several individuals from your company have come together on a conference call. As the call goes on, voices rise and […]
Pizza is a fascinating thing. You can switch the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it satisfies a few general criteria, it’s still a pizza. That’s similar to hearing loss. But as long as you have a hard time hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss regardless of whether it’s caused by […]
What’s the link between hearing loss and dementia? Brain health and hearing loss have a connection which medical science is starting to understand. Your risk of getting dementia is higher with even mild hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unconnected health conditions may have a pathological connection. So, how does loss of […]
If you are one of the millions of people in the U.S. dealing with a medical condition known as tinnitus then you probably know that it often gets worse when you are trying to fall asleep. But why should this be? The ringing or buzzing in one or both ears isn’t an actual noise but […]
There are two kinds of vacations, right? There’s the type where you jam every single activity you can into every single minute. These are the vacations that are recalled for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more worn out than you left. Then there are the relaxing types […]
Tom is excited, he’s getting a new knee! Look, as you get older, the kinds of things you get excited about change. His knee replacement means he will suffer from less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success, and Tom heads home! That’s […]